jeudi 28 mars 2019

Social Work Experience, The: An Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (Subscription), 6th Edition PDF Manual Solutions

Social Work Experience, The: An Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (Subscription), 6th Edition


Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents










Chapter 1  The Social Work Profession

Chapter 2  Theoretical Perspectives for Social Workers

Chapter 3  Social Justice, Poverty, and Populations At Risk

Chapter 4  Social Welfare Policy: Historical Perspectives




Chapter 5  Family and Children's Services

Chapter 6  Social Work in Mental Health

Chapter 7  Social Work in Health Care

Chapter 8  Social Work in the Schools

Chapter 9  Substance Abuse Services

Chapter 10  Social Work with Older Adults

Chapter 11  Social Work and Criminal Justice

Chapter 12  Developmental Disabilities and Social Work




Chapter 13  Future Challenges and Closing Notes




Part I


Chapter 1

The Social Work Profession

Susan Dunn

Social Work: A Unique Profession

Professional Social Workers

Generalist BSW Social Workers

The Professional Competencies and Practice Behaviors of the BSW Social Worker

The Baccalaureate Social Work Curriculum: How Competence and Expertise Evolve

Advanced Practice: Social Workers with MSW and PhD Degrees

The Environment and Context of Practice

A Broader Ecological Perspective

Selecting a Career in Social Work

Pamela Wright

Alan Martin

Madeleine Johnson

Education and the Social Work Career Ladder

Employment Opportunities

A Research Question: Where Do Social Work College Graduates Find Jobs?

Employment Patterns for MSWs

Salaries and Demand for Social Workers

Future Employment Opportunities for Social Workers

Legal Regulation of the Profession

State Licensure and Certification

NASW Certification of Professional Achievement

Professional Social Work Organizations

The National Association of Social Workers

The Council on Social Work Education

The National Association of Black Social Workers

The National Association of Puerto Rican & Hispanic Social Workers

Other Professional Organizations

International Social Work Organizations

Comparing Related Occupations




Marriage and Family Therapy


Human Services

How Professions Relate

History of Social Work: Linkage to Social Justice


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Chapter 2

Theoretical Perspectives for Social Workers

The Several Roles of Stephanie Hermann, BSW

Brockton Manor

Sandra McLean: The Effects of Institutionalization

Ongoing Challenges of Community Placement

Social Work and Systems Theory

The Ecosystems Perspective

The Generalist Approach

Levels of Intervention

Global, Environmental, and Spiritual Considerations

The Intervention Process

Values, Ethics, and Human Diversity

Social Justice and Populations at Risk

The Strengths Perspective: Resilience and Empowerment

Political Perspectives

The Political Spectrum

Conservative Perspectives

Liberal or Progressive Perspectives

Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism

Radical Perspectives

The Political Spectrum and Social Welfare Policy

Turning to Each Other


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Chapter 3

Social Justice, Poverty, and Populations At Risk

Juanita Chavez

Social Justice, Poverty, and Populations at Risk

Social and Economic Justice

The Impact of Poverty

Populations at Risk



Older Adults

Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups

People with Disabilities

Gay and Lesbian Persons

Potent Forms of Discrimination in the United States




Heterosexism and Homophobia

Social Justice Issues in the 21st Century


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Social Welfare Policy: Historical Perspectives

Donna Rudnitski

The Rutherford Family

Social Welfare Policy and Social Justice

Social Welfare Policy in the Old World

Social Welfare Concepts: Residual versus Institutional

Old World Historical Roots

The Elizabethan Poor Law and the Act of Settlement

Poor Relief in the United States


The Charity Organization Society and the Settlement House Movement

Social Welfare in the United States in the 20th Century

The Progressive Years, 1900-1930

Federal Initiatives, 1930-1068

Cutting Back the Welfare State, 1968 to the Present: Earned Income

Tax Credit and Welfare Reform

Social Welfare Policy in the 21st Century

   Temporary Assistance for Needy Families  

   The Working Poor and the Earned Income Tax Credit


    The Faith-Based Trend

An International Perspective



    Progress of Social Justice Today

   NASW and Ongoing Human Rights Efforts


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Chapter 5

Family and Children's Services

LaTanya Tracy

Historical Perspectives on Family and Children’s Services

The Child Welfare Movement and Protective Services Programs

Children’s Rights as International Law

Challenges of African American Families: A Brief History

Services and Their Providers: A Continuum of Care

Least Restrictive Environment

In-Home Services

Out-of-Home Services

Client Self-Determination and Professional Decision Making

Women, Children, and Ethnic Minority Groups: Populations at Risk


Attachment Theory and Emotional Bonding

Reproductive Rights and Single Parenting

Ecological Issues

Gay and Lesbian Families

Multiracial Families

Immigrant Families

Diverse Family Structures and Social Work’s Ethic of Cultural Competence

Spirituality, Religion, and Science

Family Policy, Domestic and International: Research Raises Questions

How Family-Friendly is the American Workplace?

Assisting Families Around the World

Current Trends in the United States


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Chapter 6

Social Work in Mental Health

David Deerinwater

Social Work Competencies for Mental Health Practice

Required Practice Behaviors: Knowledge and Skill

Values and Integrity

Specific Knowledge Base for Mental Health

Generalist Practice with Groups and Communities

Working with Groups in Mental Health

Community Practice

Generalist Practice in Case Management

Social Workers Respond to Disaster:  Acute and Posttraumatic Stress

Social Justice Issues in the Mental Health Field

Environmental Perspectives on Mental Health

Practice with Diverse Populations

Native American History and the Cherokee Experience

Mental Health Policy and Social Work Practice: Historical Perspectives

Gradual Enlightenment

A Courageous Researcher and Reformer: Dorothea Dix

The Past 100 Years

Policy and Practice: Future Issues


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Chapter 7

Social Work in Health Care

Katherine Lewandowski

Applying Generalist Practice Theory to Health Care

Starting with the Liberal Arts Base of Social Work Education

Values and Ethics in Health Care Social Work

Focusing on the Community and Populations at Risk

Achieving Competence for Practice in Health Care

Health Care Services

Acute Care

Long-Term Care

Home Health Care

Insurance Companies

Hospice and Palliative Care

Emergency Room: Trauma and Crisis amid Human Diversity

Health Care in Rural Areas

The Environmental Context of Practice

Human Rights and Health: Global Perspectives

Historical Perspectives

Early History: Caring for the Poor and Sick

Origins of Health Care Social Work

The Emergence of Health Care Social Work in the United States

Social Policy: Politics and Economics in Health Care



Health Care Reform and the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Future Trends for Social Workers


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Chapter 8

Social Work in the Schools

Lisa and Loretta Santiago, Children at Risk

People of Latino or Hispanic Heritage: A Brief History

History of Social Work in the Schools

Early Years

Middle Period

Recent Times

Social Work Roles in the Schools

Working with Individuals

Family Work

Group Work

Working with Organizations and Communities


School-Linked, Integrated Services

The Impact of Cultural Diversity in the Schools

Alternative Schools and Charter Schools

Involvement in Special Education

Educational Evaluations as Applied Research

School Social Work with Other Special-Needs Children: The Ordeal of Two Gay Brothers

Social Work Values in the School Setting: Policy Implications

The Santiago Sisters

The Larkin Case

Bullying and Violence in the Schools

Sexuality and Teen Pregnancy; Environmental Factors

No Child Left Behind?

Teen Drop-out Rates

Spiritual Development and Empowerment

An International Comparison: School Social Work in Ghana

Current Trends


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Chapter 9

Substance Abuse Services

Dan Graves

The Profession’s History in the Substance Abuse Field

Mary Richmond: An Early Leader  

Social Work Contributions and Leadership Evolve

Critical Components of Professional Practice





A European Prevention and Treatment Approach: The Harm Reduction Model

A United States Model: Alcoholics Anonymous

At-Risk Populations

Women and Children  

 Older Adults

Native Americans  

Hispanic Americans  

African Americans  

Lesbian Women and Gay Men  

Persons with Disabilities

Building a Knowledge Base

Substances of Abuse

Environmental Perspectives

Global Differences in Prevention and Treatment

U.S. Social Welfare Policy Related to Substance Abuse

Social Justice, Human Rights, and the War on Drugs


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Chapter 10

Social Work with Older Adults

Abbie Heinrich

Social Work with Older Adults: A Brief History

The Importance of Generalist Social Work

Gerontological and Geriatric Social Work

Who Are Our Older Adults?

Geographical Distribution

Marital Status


Economic Status


Physical and Mental Health


Older Adults and Their Families

Daily Life in Later years

Research on Family Strengths

Older Adults as Caregivers

Caregiver Stress and the “Sandwich Generation”

Elder Abuse

Working with Older Adults of Diverse Backgrounds

Ethnic and Cultural Minorities

Gay and Lesbian Older Adults

Empowerment Practice

Social Policy and Older Adults: Past to Present

Family Care

Early Pension Plans

Trends in American Private Pensions

Social Security Today

Supplemental Security Income

Housing Assistance

Medicare and Medicaid

Food Stamps/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Current Innovative Programs and Alternative Lifestyles

More Federal Legislation Relating to Older Adults

The Older Americans Act

The Social Services Block Grant

Values and Public Policy

The “Continuum of Care”: Prolonged Independence

Coming to Terms with Long-Term Care

End-of-Life Issues, Religion, and Spirituality

Death and Dying

Spirituality and Religion

Hospice Services and Complimentary Therapies

An International Perspective: The Netherlands

Social Work with Older Adults: A Growing Future


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Chapter 11

Social Work and Criminal Justice

Alan Martin

History of Social Work in Criminal Justice

Components of the Criminal Justice System

Law Enforcement

The Courts

The Correctional System

The Juvenile Justice System

Value Dilemmas for Social Workers

Social Work with Groups and Organizations

Environmental Perspectives

Crime and Communities at Risk

Community Strengths, Restoration, Spirituality, and Resilience

Promoting Human Rights and Social Justice

Social Welfare Policy in Criminal Justice

The Prison Population

The Death Penalty

Social Policy and Juvenile Justice

Populations at Risk

Global Perspectives


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Chapter 12

Developmental Disabilities and Social Work

Mary and Lea Perkins

Developmental Disabilities: What are They?

Difference between “Disability” and “Developmental Disability”

Categorical vs. Functional Definitions of Developmental Disability    

Services for People with Disabilities: A Brief History

Training Schools

Protective Asylums

The Eugenics Movement

New Research, New Attitudes

Normalization and the Deinstitutionalization Movement

Deinstitutionalization as a Goal

Types of Developmental Disabilities

Intellectual Disability or Mental Retardation

Cerebral Palsy


Orthopedic Problems

Hearing Problems


Traumatic Brain Injury

Learning Disabilities

Emotional Disturbance

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome; Cocaine and Other Drug-Exposed Babies

Overall Prevalence and Co-occurrence of Disabilities

Social Work Roles with People Who Have Disabilities

   Institutional Settings

   Community Settings

   Genetic Counseling

Spirituality Dimensions

Education for Work with People Who Have Disabilities: CSWE Standards

NASW Standards for Service

Human Diversity and Populations at Risk

The Continuum of Care

Research Suggests Direction for Service Improvement

Providing Supportive Services to Diverse Families: A Chinese Illustration

Asian Americans: A Brief History

Social Justice Issues

   Mismatch between Person and Environment


Empowerment, Self-Determination, and Self-Advocacy

The Disability Rights Movement, Social Policy, and Appropriate Terminology

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991

Global Efforts on Behalf of People with Disabilities

Value Dilemmas and Ethical Implications

Complex Issues

Current Trends


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Part III


Chapter 13

Future Challenges and Closing Notes


Rachel Fox: Student Social Worker in an International Field Placement

Social Work: Profession at the Edge of Change

Futurists’ Perspectives on Globalization

National and International Strategic Planning

Globalization: Relevance to Social Work

Demographic Trends

A Multicultural America

The Graying of America

The Evolving American Family

The Changing Immigrant and Refugee Population

Political Trends

Welfare Reform and Poverty

Privatization of Social Services

Women’s Issues

Economic Trends

Technological and Biomedical Advances

Information and Communication Technology

Biomedical Technology

Environmental Sustainability

The Future of the Social Work Profession

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Social Work Experience, The: An Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (Subscription), 6th Edition PDF Manual Solutions , PDF Social Work Experience, The: An Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (Subscription), 6th Edition , Fast Download Social Work Experience, The: An Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (Subscription), 6th Edition , Mary Ann Suppes, Mount Mary College Carolyn Cressy Wells, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh,Category : Higher Education

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