jeudi 28 mars 2019

Little, Brown Compact Handbook, The, 9th Edition PDF Manual Solutions

Little, Brown Compact Handbook, The, 9th Edition


Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents


Preface for Students

Preface for Instructors 




1          The Writing Situation  

            a          Assessment

            b          Subject

            c          Purpose

            d          Audience

            e          Genre


2          Invention  

            a          Keeping a journal

            b          Observing

            c          Freewriting

            d          Brainstorming

            e          Drawing

            f           Asking questions


3          Thesis and Organization   

            a          Thesis statement

            b          Organization


4          Drafting  

            a          Starting to draft

            b          Maintaining momentum

            c          Sample first draft


5          Revising

            a          Reading your work critically

b          Revising collaboratively

c          Writing a title

d          Sample revision


6          Editing, Formatting, and Proofreading

a          Editing the revised draft

            b          Formatting and proofreading

            c          SAMPLE FINAL DRAFT 

            d          Preparing a writing portfolio



7          Paragraphs  

            a          Relating paragraphs in the essay

b          Unity

            c          Coherence

            d          Development

            e          Introductions and conclusions


8          Presenting Writing  

            a          Academic writing

            b          Visuals and other media

            c          Web writing

                        SAMPLE HOME PAGE 

                        SAMPLE BLOG POST 





9          Academic Writing  

            a          Purpose and audience

b          Genre

c          Structure and content

            d          Using sources with integrity

e          Academic language

f           Communicating in an academic setting


10        Critical Reading and Writing 

            a          Techniques of critical reading

            b          Summarizing

c          Critical response

            d          Viewing visuals critically


11        Argument  

            a          Elements of argument

            b          Reasonableness

            c          Organization

            d          Visual arguments

            e          SAMPLE ARGUMENT  


12        Essay Exams  

            a          Preparing

            b          Planning

            c          Starting

            d          Developing

            e          Rereading


13        Oral Presentations  

            a          Organization

            b          Delivery


14        Public Writing  

            a          Social media

b          Business letters

                        SAMPLE LETTER AND RÉSUMÉS  

            c          Job applications

                        SAMPLE MEMO AND REPORT  

            d          Memos, reports, and proposals

                        SAMPLE FLYER AND NEWSLETTERS

            e          Community work





15        Emphasis  

            a          Effective subjects and verbs

            b          Sentence beginnings and endings

            c          Coordination

            d          Subordination


16        Parallelism  

            a          With and, but, or, nor, yet

            b          With bothand, notbut, etc.

            c          In comparisons

            d          With lists, headings, and outlines


17        Variety and Details  

            a          Sentence length

            b          Sentence structure

            c          Details


18        Appropriate and Exact Language  

            a          Appropriate language

            b          Exact language


19        Completeness  

            a          Compounds

            b          Needed words


20        Conciseness  

            a          Focusing on subject and verb

            b          Cutting empty words

            c          Cutting repetition

            d          Reducing modifiers

            e          Revising there is or it is

            f           Combining sentences

            g          Rewriting jargon





Basic Grammar

21        Parts of Speech  

            a          Nouns

            b          Pronouns

            c          Verbs

            d          Adjective and adverbs

            e          Connecting words: prepositions and conjunctions

            f           Interjections


22        The Sentence  

            a          Subject and predicate

            b          Predicate patterns


23        Phrases and Subordinate Clauses  

            a          Phrases

            b          Subordinate clauses


24        Sentence Types  

            a          Simple sentences

            b          Compound sentences

            c          Complex sentences

            d          Compound-complex sentences



25        Forms  

            a          Sing/sang/sung and other irregular verbs

            d          Sit/set, lie/lay, rise/raise

            c          -s and -ed forms

            d          Be, have, and other helping verbs

            e          Verbs + gerund or infinitive: stop eating vs. stop to eat

            f           Verb + participle: look up, look over, etc.


26        Tenses  

            a          Present tense: sing

            b          Perfect tense: have/had/will have sung

            c          Progressive tenses: is/was/will be singing

            d          Consistency

            e          Sequence


27        Mood  

            a          Subjunctive: I wish I were

            b          Consistency


28        Voice  

            a          She wrote it (active)

            b          It was written (passive)

            c          Consistency


29        Subject-Verb Agreement  

            a          -s and -es endings

            b          Intervening words

            c          Subjects with and

            d          Subjects with or or nor

            e          Everyone and other indefinite pronouns

            f           Team and other collective nouns

            g          Who, which, that as subjects

            h          News and other singular nouns ending in -s

            i           Verb preceding subjects

            j           Is, are, and other linking verbs

            k           Titles and words being defined



30        Case  

            a          She and I vs. her and me

            b          It was she

            c          Who vs. whom 

            e          Other constructions


31        Pronoun-Antecedent  

            a          Antecedents with and 

            b          Antecedent with or or nor

            c          Everyone, person, and other indefinite words

            d          Team and other collective nouns


32        Pronoun Reference  

            a          Clear reference

            b          Close reference

            c          Specific reference

            d          Appropriate you

            e          Consistency



33        Adjectives and Adverbs  

            a          Adjectives vs. adverb

            b          Adjective with linking verb: felt bad

            c          Comparatives (bigger) and superlatives (biggest)

            d          Double negatives

            e          Present and past participles: boring vs. bored

            f           A, an, the, and other determiners


34        Modifier and Dangling Modifiers  

            a          Misplaced modifiers

            b          Dangling modifiers


Sentence Faults

35        Fragments  

            a          Tests

            b          Revision

            c          Acceptable fragments


36        Comma Splices and Fused Sentences  

            a          Main clauses without and, but, etc.

            b          Main clauses with however, for example, etc.


37        Mixed Sentences  

            a          Reason is because and other mixed meanings

            b          Tangled grammar

c          Repeated subjects and other parts





38        End Punctuation  

            a          Period

            b          Question mark 

            c          Exclamation point


39        The Comma  

            a          Main clauses with and, but, etc.

            b          Introductory elements

            c          Nonessential elements

            d          Items in a series

            e          Two or more adjectives

            f           Dates, addresses, place names, long numbers

            g          She said, etc., with quotations

            h          Misuses

                        1 Between subject-verb, verb-object, preposition-object

                        2 In compound subject, predicate, etc.

                        3 After conjunction

                        4 Around essential elements

                        5 Around series

                        6 Before indirect quotation


40        The Semicolon  

            a          Main clauses without and, but, etc.

            b          Main clauses with however, for example, etc.

            c          Main clauses or series items with commas

            d          Misuses


41        The Colon  

            a          Concluding explanation, series, etc.

            b          Salutation of business letter, title and subtitle, divisions of time

            c          Misuses


42        The Apostrophe  

            a          Possession

            b          Misuses

                        1 Plural nouns: Joneses, not Jones’

                        2 Singular verbs: makes, not make’s

                        3 Possessive personal pronouns: its, not it’s

                        4 Contractions

                        5 Plural abbreviations, etc.


43        Quotation Marks  

            a          Direct quotations

            b          Quotation within quotation

            c          Dialog

            d          Titles of works

            e          Words used in a special sense

            f           Misuses

            g          With other punctuation


44        Other Marks  

            a          Dash or dashes

            b          Parentheses

            c          Ellipsis mark

            d          Brackets

            e          Slash





45        Spelling and the Hyphen  

            a          Typical spelling problems

            b          Spelling rules

            c          The hyphen


46        Capital Letters  

            a          First word of sentence

            b          Proper nouns and adjectives

            c          Titles and subtitles of words

            d          Online communication


47        Italics or Underlining  

            a          Titles of works

            b          Ships, aircraft, spacecraft, trains

            c          Foreign words

            d          Words or characters names as words

            e          Emphasis

            f           Online communication


48        Abbreviations  

            a          Titles before and after proper names

            b          Familiar abbreviations and acronyms

            c          BC, BCE, AD, CE, AM, PM, no., $

            d          Latin abbreviations

            e          Inc., Bros., Co., &

            f           Units of measurement, names, etc.


49        Numbers  

            a          Numerals vs. words

            b          Dates, addresses, etc.

            c          Beginning sentences




50        Research Strategy  

            a          Planning

            b          Research journal

            c          Researchable subject and question

            d          Goals for sources

            e          Working, annotated bibliography



51        Finding Sources  

            a          Your library’s Web site

            b          Searching electronically

            c          Reference works

            d          Books

            e          Periodicals

            f           The Web

            g          Social media

            h          Government publications

            i           Visals, audio, and video

            j           Your own sources        


52        Working with Sources  

            a          Evaluating sources

            b          Synthesizing sources

            c          Gathering information

            d          Using summary, paraphrase, and quotation

            e          Integrating sources


53        Avoiding Plagiarism  

            a          Deliberate and accidental plagiarism

            b          What not to acknowledge

            c          What must be acknowledged

            d          Obtaining permission


54        Documenting Sources  

            a          Discipline styles for documentation    

            b          Bibliography software


55        Writing the Paper  

            a          Focusing and organizing

            b          Drafting, revising, editing, and formatting


56        Reading and Writing about Literature  

            a          Methods and evidence

            b          Writing assignments

            c          Tools and language

            d          Documentation and format

            e          SAMPLE LITERARY ANALYSIS


57        Writing in Other Disciplines  

            a          Humanities

            b          Social sciences

            c          Natural and applied sciences


58        MLA Documentation and Format                   

                        Indexes to models

            a          Parenthetical text citations

            b          List of works cited

            c          Format of paper

            d          SAMPLE MLA PAPER


59        APA Documentation and Format

                        Indexes to models

            a          Parenthetical text citations

            b          List of references

c          Format of paper



60        Chicago Documentation        

                        Index to models

            a          Notes and bibliography entries

            b          Models


61        CSE Documentation   

                        Index to models

            a          Name-year text citations

            b          Numbered text citations          

            c          List of references





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