mardi 19 mars 2019

Becoming a Teacher with Enhanced Pearson eText, Loose-Leaf Version with Video Analysis Tool Package, 10th Edition PDF Manual Solutions

Becoming a Teacher with Enhanced Pearson eText, Loose-Leaf Version with Video Analysis Tool  Package, 10th Edition


Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Brief Table of Contents


PART 1 The Teaching Profession

CHAPTER ONE Teaching: Your Chosen Profession

CHAPTER TWO Today’s Teachers
CHAPTER THREE Today’s Schools 



CHAPTER FOUR Philosophical Foundations of U.S. Education 

CHAPTER FIVE Historical Foundations of U.S. Education 

CHAPTER SIX Governance and Finance of U.S. Schools 

CHAPTER SEVEN Ethical and Legal Issues in U.S. Education



CHAPTER EIGHT Today’s Students

CHAPTER NINE Addressing Learners’ Individual Needs

CHAPTER TEN Creating a Community of Learners 

CHAPTER ELEVEN School Curricula and Standards

CHAPTER TWELVE Assessing Student Learning

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Integrating Technology into Teaching


Detailed Table of Contents 


PART 1 The Teaching Profession

CHAPTER ONE Teaching: Your Chosen Profession

    Why Do I Want to Teach?

        Desire to Make a Difference in Students’ Lives

        A Passion for Teaching

        Influence of Teachers

        Desire to Serve

    What Are the Benefits of Teaching?

        Salaries and Benefits

    What Are the Challenges of Teaching?

        Long Working Hours

        High-Stakes Testing and Increased Accountability

        Today’s Tech-Savvy Students

    What Will Society Expect of Me as a Teacher?

        The Public Trust

        Teacher Competency and Effectiveness

        Teacher Accountability

    What Is the Job Outlook for Teachers?

        Teaching and the National Economy

        Demand for Teachers by Geographic Region and Specialty Area

    What Can You Learn from Observing in Classrooms?

        Technology and Classroom Observations

        Focused Observations

        Observation Instruments

    Why Is Your Induction into Teaching Important?

        Problems and Concerns of Beginning Teachers

        Induction into the Profession

    How Can You Gain Practical Experience for Becoming a Teacher?

        Classroom Experiences

        Student Teaching

        Substitute Teaching

    How Will I Become a Highly Qualified Teacher?

        Professional Standards

        Certification and Licensure

        The Praxis Series

        State Licensure Certification Requirements

        Alternative Certification

    How Can You Benefit from Having a Mentor?


    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER TWO Today’s Teachers

    Who Are Today’s Teachers?

        Schools and Grade-Level Designations

        Teachers in Nontraditional School Settings

        Teachers in Specialized Areas

    What Do Teachers Do in the Classroom?

        Teacher as a Role Model for Students

        Teacher as a Spontaneous Problem Solver

        Teacher as a Reflective Thinker

    What Knowledge and Skills Do Today’s Teachers Need?


        Knowledge of Students

        Knowledge of Subject

        Knowledge of How to Use Educational Theory and Research

        Knowledge of How to Integrate Technology into Teaching

        Reflection and Problem Solving

    To What Extent Is Teaching A Full Profession?

        Institutional Monopoly of Services

        Teacher Autonomy

        Years of Education and Training

        Provision of Essential Service

        Degree of Self-Governance

        Professional Knowledge and Skills

        Trust in the Teaching Profession

        Prestige, Benefits, and Pay

        Professional Associations

    To What Professional Organizations Do Teachers Belong?

        The National Education Association

        The American Federation of Teachers

        The NEAFT Partnership

        Other Professional Organizations

    How Are Teacher Leaders Transforming the Profession of Teaching?

        Critical Components for Transforming Teaching


    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER THREE Today’s Schools

    What Is the Role of Schools in Today’s Society?

        Schools and Prosocial Values

        Schools and Socialization of the Young

        Schools and Social Change

    How Can Schools Be Described?

        Metaphors for Schools

    What Are Schools Like as Social Institutions?

        The School as a Reflection of Society

        The Culture of the School

        The Culture of the Classroom

    What Are the Characteristics of Successful Schools?

        Measures of Success

        Research on School Effectiveness and School Improvement

    What Social Problems Affect Schools and Place Students at Risk?

        Identifying Students at Risk

        Children and Poverty

        Family Stress

        Substance Abuse

        Violence and Crime

        Teen Pregnancy

        Suicide Among Children and Youth

    How Are Schools Addressing Societal Problems?

        Peer Counseling/Mentoring

        Full-Service Community Schools

        School-Based Case Management

        Compensatory Education

        Alternative Schools and Curricula

        Expanded Learning Time (ELT) Schools

    How Can Community-Based Partnerships Help Students Learn?

        The Community as a Resource for Schools

        Schools as Resources for Communities


    Professional Reflections and Activities



CHAPTER FOUR Philosophical Foundations of U.S. Education

    Why Is Philosophy Important to Teachers?

    What Is the Nature of Philosophy?

    What Determines Your Educational Philosophy?

        Beliefs About Teaching and Learning

        Beliefs About Students

        Beliefs About Knowledge

        Beliefs About What Is Worth Knowing

    What Are the Branches of Philosophy?




    What Are Five Modern Philosophical Orientations to Teaching?





        Social Reconstructionism

    What Psychological Orientations Have Influenced Teaching Philosophies?

        Humanistic Psychology



    How Can You Develop Your Educational Philosophy?


    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER FIVE Historical Foundations of U.S. Education

    Why Is Educational History Important?

    What Were the European Antecedents of American Education?

        Education in Ancient Greece

        Education in Ancient Rome

        From the Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightenment

        Educational Thought in 18th-Century Europe

    What Were Teaching and Schools Like in the American Colonies (1620–1750)?

        The Status of Teachers

        Colonial Schools

        The Origins of Mandated Education

    What Were the Goals of Education During the Revolutionary Period (1750–1820)?

        Benjamin Franklin’s Academy

        Sarah Pierce’s Female Academy

        Thomas Jefferson’s Philosophy

        Noah Webster’s Speller

        Education for African Americans and Native Americans

    How was the Struggle Won for State-Supported Common Schools (1820–1865)?

        Horace Mann’s Contributions

        Reverend W. H. McGuffey’s Readers

        Justin Morrill’s Land-Grant Schools

        Segregation of Schools

    How Did Compulsory Education Change Schools and the Teaching Profession (1865–1920)?

        The Kindergarten

        Schooling for African Americans

        Higher Education for African Americans

        The Professionalization of Teaching

    What Were the Aims of Education During the Progressive Era (1920–1945)?

    John Dewey’s Laboratory School

        Maria Montessori’s Method

        The Decline of Progressive Education

        World War II and Increasing Federal Involvement in Education

    How Did Education Change During the Modern Postwar Era (1945–2000)?

        The 1950s: Defense Education and School Desegregation

        The 1960s: The War on Poverty and the Great Society

        The 1970s: Accountability and Equal Opportunity

        The 1980s: A Great Debate

        The 1990s: Teacher Leadership

    What Are the Educational Priorities of the New Century (2000–the Present)?



        Continuing the Quest for Excellence and Equity


    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER SIX Governance and Finance of U.S. Schools

    Why Do You Need to Understand Educational Politics?

        Five Dimensions of Educational Politics

    How Does the Local Community Influence Schools?

        Local School District

        School Board

        Superintendent of Schools

        The Role of Parents

        School Restructuring

        School-Based Management

    What Powers and Influence Do States Have in Governing Schools?

        The Roles of State Government in Education

        State Board of Education

        State Department of Education

        Chief State School Officer

    How Do Regional Education Agencies Assist Schools?

    How Does the Federal Government Influence Education?

        Federal Initiatives

        U.S. Department of Education

    What Role Do Teacher Leaders Play in School Governance?

        Teacher Involvement in Teacher Education, Certification, and Staff Development

        Teacher Leaders

        Dimensions of Teacher Leadership Beyond the Classroom

    How are Schools Financed in the United States?

        Education Funding and the Great Recession

        The Challenge of Equitable Funding

        Sources of Funding

        Local Funding

        State Funding

        Federal Funding

    What Are Some Trends in Funding for Equity and Excellence?

        Tax Reform and Redistricting

        Vertical Equity

        School Choice

        Voucher Systems

        Education–Business Coalitions

    How Is the Privatization Movement Affecting Equity and Excellence in Education?

        Charter Schools

        For-Profit Schools


    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER SEVEN Ethical and Legal Issues in U.S. Education

    Why Do You Need to Know About Education and the Law?

    Why Do You Need a Professional Code of Ethics?

        Ethical Teaching Attitudes and Practices

        Ethical Dilemmas in the Classroom and School

    What Are Your Legal Rights as a Teacher?


        Teachers’ Rights to Nondiscrimination

        Teaching Contracts

        Due Process in Tenure and Dismissal

        Academic Freedom

        Do Student Teachers Have the Same Rights as Teachers?

    What Are Your Legal Responsibilities as a Teacher?

        Avoiding Tort Liability

        Reporting Child Abuse

        Observing Copyright Laws

        Teachers and Online Social Networking

    What Are the Legal Rights of Students and Parents?

        Freedom of Expression

        Due Process in Suspension and Expulsion

        Reasonable Search and Seizure


        Students’ Rights to Nondiscrimination

    What Are Some Issues in the Legal Rights of School Districts?

        Corporal Punishment

        Sexual Harassment

        Cyberbullying and the Law

        Religious Expression



    Professional Reflections and Activities



CHAPTER EIGHT Today’s Students

    How Is Diversity Reflected in the Culture of the United States?

        The Meaning of Culture

        Ethnicity and Race

        The Concept of Minorities

        Minority Groups and Academic Achievement

        Stereotyping and Racism

        Class and Socioeconomic Status

        Religious Pluralism

    What Does Equal Educational Opportunity Mean?

        Education and African Americans

        Education and Latino and Hispanic Americans

        Education and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

        Education and Native Americans and Alaskan Natives

    What Is Meant by Bilingual Education?

        Research and Debate on Bilingual Programs

        Advice for Monolingual Teachers

    What Is Multicultural Education?

        Dimensions of Multicultural Education

        Multicultural Curricula

        Multicultural Instructional Materials and Strategies

    How Is Gender a Dimension of Multicultural Education?

        Gender Differences

        Gender and Education

        Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Students

        Gender-Fair Classrooms and Curricula


    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER NINE Addressing Learners’ Individual Needs

    How Do Students’ Needs Change as They Develop?

        Piaget’s Model of Cognitive Development

        Erikson’s Model of Psychosocial Development

        Kohlberg’s Model of Moral Development

        Maslow’s Model of a Hierarchy of Needs

        Developmental Stresses and Tasks of Childhood

        Developmental Stresses and Tasks of Adolescence

    How Do Students Vary in Intelligence?

        Intelligence Testing

        Multiple Intelligences

        Learning Styles

    How Do Students Vary in Ability and Disability?

        Students with Special Needs

    What Are Special Education and Inclusion?

        Special Education Laws

        Meeting the Inclusion Challenge

        The Debate over Inclusion

    How Can You Teach All Learners in Your Inclusive Classroom?

        Collaborative Consultation with Other Professionals

        Partnerships with Parents

        Assistive Technology for Special Learners


    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER TEN Creating a Community of Learners

    What Determines the Culture of the Classroom?

        Classroom Climate

        Classroom Dynamics

    How Can You Create a Positive Learning Environment?

        The Caring Classroom

        The Physical Environment of the Classroom

        Classroom Organization

    What Are the Keys to Successful Classroom Management?

        The Democratic Classroom

        Preventive Planning

        Effective Responses to Student Behavior

    What Teaching Methods Do Effective Teachers Use?

        Methods Based on Learning New Behaviors

        Methods Based on Child Development

        Methods Based on the Thinking Process

        Methods Based on Peer-Mediated Instruction

    How Do Teachers Help to Build Learning Communities?

        Relationships with Students

        Relationships with Colleagues and Staff

        Relationships with Administrators

        Relationships with Parents or Guardians

    How Do Teachers Participate in Teacher Collaboration?

        Peer Coaching

        Professional Development

        Team Teaching



    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER ELEVEN School Curricula and Standards

    What do Students Learn from the Curriculum?

        Kinds of Curricula

        Curriculum Content and Student Success

    How is the School Curriculum Developed?

        The Focus of Curriculum Planning

        Student-Centered Versus Subject-Centered Curricula

        The Integrated Curriculum

    What Influences the Curriculum Development Process?

    What Role will Standards Play in Your Classroom?

    How is Standards-Based Education Shaping School Curricula?

        Content and Performance Standards

        Standards Developed by Professional Associations

        Aligning Curricula and Textbooks with Standards and Curriculum Frameworks

    How is the Common Core State Standards Initiative Changing U.S. Education?

        The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI)

        Early Reactions to the Common Core

    What Controversies Surround the Effort to Raise Standards?

        Arguments in Support of Raising Standards

        Concerns About Raising Standards


    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER TWELVE Assessing Student Learning

    What is the Role of Assessment in Teaching?

        Challenges of Assessing Students’ Learning

    How are Standardized Assessments Used in Education?

    What are “High-Stakes” Tests and Accountability?

        High-Stakes Testing

    What Methods will You use to Assess Student Learning?

        Formal and Informal Assessments

        Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment

        Measurement and Evaluation

        Formative and Summative Evaluation

    What are Emerging Trends in Classroom Assessment?

    How can you Develop High-Quality Classroom Assessments?

        Scoring Rubrics

        Multiple Measures of Student Learning


    Professional Reflections and Activities


CHAPTER THIRTEEN Integrating Technology into Teaching

    How is Technology Transforming Teaching And Learning?

        Anywhere, Anytime Learning

        Realizing the Full Impact of Technology on Learning

        Online Schools and Online Learning

    What Digital Technologies Can Be Integrated Into Teaching?

        Online Social Networking

        Digital Resources for Teaching and Learning

        Digital Resources for Different Subject Areas

    How Available and Frequently Used are the Latest Technologies in the Classroom?

        Availability and Use of Technology in the Classroom

        Student Use of Technology in the Classroom

    What Does Research Say about Technology Integration and Student Learning?

        Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow Project (ACOT)

        “Wired” Students and Their Ability to Focus

        Findings from Other Research Studies

        What are the Challenges of Integrating Technology into Teaching?

        Funding for Technology and Technical Support

        High-Quality, Continuous Training in Technology for Teachers


      Professional Reflections and Activities


Appendix: Preparing for Certification: Your Guide to Licensure



Name Index

Subject Index


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Becoming a Teacher with Enhanced Pearson eText, Loose-Leaf Version with Video Analysis Tool Package, 10th Edition PDF Manual Solutions , PDF Becoming a Teacher with Enhanced Pearson eText, Loose-Leaf Version with Video Analysis Tool Package, 10th Edition , Fast Download Becoming a Teacher with Enhanced Pearson eText, Loose-Leaf Version with Video Analysis Tool Package, 10th Edition , Forrest W. Parkay, Washington State University,Category : Higher Education

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