mardi 4 juin 2019

Resources for Writers with Readings, 3rd Edition PDF Manual Solutions

Resources for Writers with Readings, 3rd Edition


Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Part One - Getting Started
Chapter 1:       The Bases of Good Writing:  The Four Cs

Chapter 2:       Writing for a Reader and Reason

Part Two — The Writing Process

Chapter 3:       Prewriting:  Coming up with Ideas

Chapter 4:       Drafting:  First to Final Drafts

Chapter 5:       Making Changes:  Revision

Chapter 6:       Editing for Clarity and Correctness

Chapter 7:       Putting the Writing Process Steps Together

Part Three - The Elements of Good Writing

Chapter 8:       Writing an Effective Topic Sentence

Chapter 9:       Using Specific Examples for Support and Illustration

Chapter 10:     Organizing and Linking Your Ideas

Chapter 11:     Writing from Visuals

Chapter 12:     Choosing the Best Words for Sensitive Writing

Chapter 13:     Improving Your Spelling

Chapter 14:     Expanding Your Vocabulary

Part Four - Strategies for Paragraph Development 

Chapter 15:     Illustration and Example

Chapter 16:     Narration

Chapter 17:     Description

Chapter 18:     Classification and Division

Chapter 19:     Process Analysis

Chapter 20:     Compare and Contrast          

Chapter 21:     Cause and Effect

Chapter 22:     Definition

Chapter 23:     Argument

Part Five - Writing Essays

Chapter 24:     The Essay and the Thesis Statement

Chapter 25:     Prewriting for and Drafting  an  Essay

Chapter 26:     Revising an Essay

Part Six - Writing for Different Purposes

Chapter 27:     Essay Exams

Chapter 28:     Writing Summaries    

Chapter 29:     Writing to Get a Job

Online Chapter: Writing a Research Essay

Part Seven - Writing Correct Sentences

Grammar diagnostic test

Chapter 30:     Prepositional Phrases

Chapter 31:     Subjects and Verbs

Chapter 32:     Clauses

Chapter 33:     Run-On Sentences

Chapter 34:     Fragments

Chapter 35:     Regular Verbs

Chapter 36:     Irregular Verbs

Chapter 37      Subject-Verb Agreement

Chapter 38:     Verb Tense and Tense Consistency

Chapter 39:     Pronoun Types

Chapter 40:     Pronoun Agreement, Pronoun Reference, and Point of View

Chapter 41:     Adjectives and Adverbs

Chapter 42:     Misplaced Modifiers

Chapter 43:     Dangling Modifiers

Chapter 44:     Errors in Parallelism

Part Eight — Punctuation and Mechanics

Chapter 45:     Commas

Chapter 46:     Apostrophes

Chapter 47:     Quotation Marks

Chapter 48:     Other Punctuation Marks: Colons and Semi-colons, Parentheses, Dashes, and Hyphens

Chapter 49:     Capitalization

Chapter 50:     Numbers and Abbreviations

Chapter 51:     Words that Look Alike and Sound Alike

Chapter 52:     Sentence Combining for Sentence Variation

Chapter 53:     Tips for Second-Language Writers

Part Nine - Readings for Informed Writing

Tips for Reading Effectively

Thematic units:

Our Education

Our Values

How We Live

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

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Resources for Writers with Readings, 3rd Edition PDF Manual Solutions , PDF Resources for Writers with Readings, 3rd Edition , Fast Download Resources for Writers with Readings, 3rd Edition , Elizabeth C. Long, Sacramento City College,Category : Higher Education

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