mardi 28 mai 2019

Exploring Getting Started with VBA for Office 2013 (Subscription), 2nd Edition PDF Manual Solutions

Exploring Getting Started with VBA for Office 2013 (Subscription), 2nd Edition


Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Getting Started with VBA

Case Study: ACME Consulting 1

Introduction to VBA               2

Using VBA and Getting Help 2

Identifying Code in the Code Window 5

Creating, Running, and Debugging Procedures 8

Creating a Message Box 9

Variables, Constants, Inputs, and Outputs         20

Declaring and Using Variables and Constants 20

Creating an Input Box 25

Performing Calculations 27

Decision Structures               37

Using Decision Structures 37

Performing Data Validation 42

Using Logical Operators 43

Repetition Structures            51

Using the For…Next Structure 51

Using the Do…Loop Structure 52

Chapter Objectives Review 58

Key Terms Matching 59

Multiple Choice 60

Practice Exercises 61

Mid-Level Exercises              66

Beyond the Classroom 69

Capstone Exercise 70


Chapter 2: Excel and VBA 73

Case Study: Expert Financial Services               73

Forms and Controls             74

Creating Forms 74

Adding Controls to Forms 76

Adjusting Specialized Properties 81

Inserting Controls on a Worksheet 84

Procedures and Functions for Form Controls   94

Adding a Procedure to a Control 94

Creating and Calling a Function Procedure 97

Loan Payment Schedule and Disclosure Worksheets      106

Creating a List in a Worksheet 106

Preparing an Application for Distribution 108

Chapter Objectives Review 116

Key Terms Matching 117

Multiple Choice 118

Practice Exercises 119

Mid-Level Exercises              127

Beyond the Classroom 132

Capstone Exercise 133


Chapter 3: Customizing Access with VBA 137

Case Study: Croton Sporting Goods  137

VBA in Access       138

Writing Code in Modules 138

Writing Code for Forms and Reports 140

Working with Objects 142

Creating Functions 145

Working with Recordsets    154

Using DAO to Access Data 154

Using ADO to Access Data 158

Forms, Reports, and Errors in VBA     167

Using VBA to Add Events to Forms 167

Adding VBA to Reports 170

Handling Errors in VBA 172

Chapter Objectives Review 180

Key Terms Matching 181

Multiple Choice 182

Practice Exercises 183

Mid-Level Exercises              187

Beyond the Classroom 192

Capstone Exercise 193

Glossary 197

Index 201

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INSTANAT DOWNLOAD Exploring Getting Started with VBA for Office 2013 (Subscription), 2nd Edition by Mary Anne Poatsy, Montgomery County Community College keith Mulbery, Utah Valley State College Jason Davidson, Butler University Robert T. Grauer, University of Miami PDF Manual Solutions

Exploring Getting Started with VBA for Office 2013 (Subscription), 2nd Edition PDF Manual Solutions , PDF Exploring Getting Started with VBA for Office 2013 (Subscription), 2nd Edition , Fast Download Exploring Getting Started with VBA for Office 2013 (Subscription), 2nd Edition , Mary Anne Poatsy, Montgomery County Community College keith Mulbery, Utah Valley State College Jason Davidson, Butler University Robert T. Grauer, University of Miami,Category : Higher Education

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