mardi 26 mars 2019

The World's Religions (Subscription), 4th Edition PDF Manual Solutions

The World's Religions (Subscription), 4th Edition


Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

In this Section:
1. Brief Table of Contents

2. Full Table of Contents


1.  Brief Table of Contents


Part One:       Introduction

Chapter 1:     An Introduction to Religions and the Study of Religion     

Part Two:      The Wold’s Religions—Histories and Worldviews

Chapter 2:     Indigenous Religions—Quest for Harmony

Chapter 3:     Hinduism—Many Paths to the Summit

Chapter 4:     Theravada Buddhism—The Middle Way

Chapter 5:    Jainism—The Way of Noninjury

Chapter 6:     Daoism—The Way of Nature

Chapter 7:     Confucianism—The Way of Virtue

Chapter 8:     Mahayana Buddhism (The Great Vehicle) and Vajrayana Buddhism (The Thunderbolt Vehicle)

Chapter 9:    Shinto—The Way of Kami

Chapter 10:   Judaism—The Way of Torah

Chapter 11:    Christianity—The Way of Jesus Christ

Chapter 12:    Islam—The Way of Submission to Allah

Chapter 13:    Sikhism—The Way of the Guru

Chapter 14:    The New Religious Movements—Renewal and Innovation

Part 3:            The World’s Religions and Contemporary Ethical Issues

Chapter 15:   The Ecological and Economic Crises—Humans and Resources

Chapter 16:   War and Capital Punishment—Society and Violence

Chapter 17:   Abortion and Euthanasia—Life and Death

Chapter 18:   Gender and Sexual Orientation—Roles and Identity

Part 5:            Conclusion

Chapter 19:   The Future of the World’s Religions



Part One:       Introduction

Chapter 1:     An Introduction to Religions and the Study of Religion                      

What Is Religion?

Why Are People Religious?

Why So Many Religions?

Why Is the Study of Religion So Important in the Twenty-First Century?

What Is the Relationship Between Science and Religion?

How Might Religion Be Studied?

How Will We Study the World’s Religions?

Looking Ahead:  An Overview of the Rest of the Text


Part Two:      The Wold’s Religions—Histories and Worldviews

Chapter 2:     Indigenous Religions—Quest for Harmony

An Orientation to Indigenous Peoples and Their Religions

The Yoruba of West Africa

The Oglala Lakota (Souix) of the Great Plains of North America

The Continuing Impact of Indigenous Religions in the Twnty-First Century


Chapter 3:     Hinduism—Many Paths to the Summit

An Orientation to South and Southeast Asia

Stages of Development and Sacred Texts

The Hindu Worldview

Hinduism in the Twenty-First Century


Chapter 4:     Theravada Buddhism—The Middle Way

Stages of Development and Sacred Texts

The Theravada Buddhist Worldview

Theravada Buddhism in the Twenty-First Century


Chapter 5:     Jainism—The Way of Noninjury

Stages of Development and Sacred Texts

The Jain Worldview

Jainism in the Twenty-First Century


Chapter 6:     Daoism—The Way of Nature

An Orientation to East Asia

Daoism:  The Way of Nature


Chapter 7:     Confucianism—The Way of Virtue

Stages of Development and Sacred Texts

The Confucian Worldview

Confucianism and Other Religions in the People’s Republic of China


Chapter 8:     Mahayana Buddhism (The Great Vehicle) and Vajrayana Buddhism (The Thunderbolt Vehicle)

A Brief History of Korea and Japan

Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism in East Asia

Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Theravada Buddhism Contrasted

Major Mahayana Schools in East Asia

Vajrayana Buddhism in Tibet

Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism in the Twenty-First Century


Chapter 9:     Shinto—The Way of Kami

Stages of Development and Sacred Texts

The Shinto Worldview

Religion in Twenty-First-Century Japan and Korea


Chapter 10:   Judaism—The Way of Torah

An Orientation to the Middle East

Judaism:  The Way of Torah


Chapter 11:   Christianity—The Way of Jesus Christ

Stages of Development and Sacred Texts

The Christian Worldview

Christianity in the Twenty-First Century


Chapter 12:   Islam—The Way of Submission to Allah

Stages of Development and Sacred Texts

The Islamic Worldview

Islam in the Twenty-First Century


Chapter 13:   Sikhism—The Way of the Guru

Stages of Development and Sacred Texts

The Sikh Worldview

Sikhism in the Twenty-First Century


Chapter 14:   The New Religious Movements—Renewal and Innovation

Preparing for the End:  Apocalyptic New Religious Movements

Faith and Spirit:  New Religious Movements of Healing and Awareness

Reviving the Church:  Christian New Religious Movements of Renewal

Nature and Spirit:  Earth-Based and Ecological New Religious Movements

Liberation and Enlightenment:  New Religious Movements with Asian Roots

African-American and Afro-Caribbean New Religious Movements

Native American New Religious Movements

Focusing on the Human and the Natural:  Secular New Religious Movements

The Quest for Unity:  Universalist New Religious Movements


Part 3:            The World’s Religions and Contemporary Ethical Issues

Chapter 15:   The Ecological and Economic Crises—Humans and Resources

The Ecological Crisis:  Is the Balance of Life on Planet Earth in Jeopardy?

The Economic Crisis:  Why Hunger and Abject Poverty in a World of Plenty?


Chapter 16:   War and Capital Punishment—Society and Violence

War:  When, If Ever is War Justified

Capital Punishement:  When May the State Take a Criminal’s Life?


Chapter 17:   Abortion and Euthanasia—Life and Death

Abortion:  Right to Life or Right to Choose?

Euthanasia:  A “Good Death” or “Playing God”?


Chapter 18:   Gender and Sexual Orientation—Roles and Identity

The Changing Roles of Women:  Liberation or Confusion?

Homosexuality:  Orientation, Preference, or Perversion?


Part 5:            Conclusion

Chapter 19:   The Future of the World’s Religions

How the World’s Religions Will Relate to One Another:  Three Possible Futures

The Search for Common Ground:  The Ecological Crisis

The World’s Religions after September 11, 2001

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The World's Religions (Subscription), 4th Edition PDF Manual Solutions , PDF The World's Religions (Subscription), 4th Edition , Fast Download The World's Religions (Subscription), 4th Edition , William A. Young, Westminster College,Category : Higher Education

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