vendredi 18 janvier 2019

Teaching and Learning Elementary Social Studies, 8th Edition PDF Manual Solutions

Teaching and Learning Elementary Social Studies, 8th Edition


Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

All chapters include end-of-chapter activities (Explorations), and reference lists (Continue the Journey)




Chapter One:       Social Studies Education: Definitions and Rationales

A Rationale for Social Studies Education

Keys to Exemplary Social Studies Programs

Social Studies Curriculum Patterns

            The Widening Horizons Curriculum

            The Spiral Curriculum

Environments for Social Studies Learning

            A Constructivist Environment for Learning

            Productive, Reflective Thinking

            Provisions for Learner Differences

The Roles of the Teacher



            Reflect On…

            In the Field

            For Your Portfolio

Continue the Journey


Chapter Two: Diversity, Multiculturalism and Pluralism in the Social Studies Classroom

            Diversity in the United States and the Classroom

            The Role of Social Studies Education in Promoting Pluralism and Diversity

                        Cultural Sensitivity in Social Studies Curricula

                        Toward a Culturally Responsive Learning Environment

            Cultural Sensitivity: The Teacher as Learner

            Preparing Children for a Diverse World



            Reflect On…

            In the Field

            For Your Portfolio

Continue the Journey


Chapter Three:          Setting Standards: The Knowledge Base for the Social Studies

            The Nature of Knowledge

                        Knowledge Received

                        Knowledge Discovered

                        Knowledge Constructed

Keys to Progressive Education

Keys to Essentialist Education

The National Council for the Social Studies Standards as a Guide to the Knowledge Base

What Should Children Know?

The Social Science Disciplines


                        What Is Anthropology?

What Do Anthropologists Do?

Selected Anthropological Concepts

Keys to Anthropology


                        What Is Economics?

What Do Economists Do?

Selected Economic Concepts

Keys to Economics


                        What Is Geography?

What Do Geographers Do?

Selected Geographic Concepts

Keys to Geography


                        What Is History?

                        What Do Historians Do?

Keys to History


                        What Is Sociology?

What Do Sociologists Do?

Selected Sociological Concepts

Keys to Sociology

                        Political Science

                        What Is Political Science?

What Do Political Scientists Do?

Selected Political Science Concepts

Keys to Political Science

            Current Events

                        Criteria for Successful Current Events Sessions



            Reflect On…

            In the Field

            For Your Portfolio

Continue the Journey


Chapter Four: Developmentally Appropriate Social Studies: Theory and Practice

            Time-Tested Social Studies Practices

                        The doctrine of interest

                        Active learning

                        Project learning

                        Parent involvement


                        Encouraging individuals


            Setting Conditions for Meaningful Learning: Concept Learning

In the Classroom: The American Revolution

In the Classroom: On the Playground

Current Events: Focus on Holidays and Special Occasions

            Children’s Natural Tendencies

            Encouraging High Achievement

Keys to High Achievement

            Encouraging Thoughtfulness

            Encouraging Creativity



            Reflect On…

            In the Field

            For Your Portfolio

Continue the Journey


Chapter Five:             Planning for Social Studies Teaching and Learning

            Teachers as Decision Makers


Current Events: Focus on Planning


                        Transfer of learning

            Planning for Long-Range Goals

            Planning Lessons and Activities



Keys to Developing a Successful Unit

            Teaching Concepts

                        Developing Concepts

In the Classroom: Teaching Supply and Demand Through Problem-Solving

In the Classroom: Defining Culture Through Webbing

            Teaching Skills

In the Classroom: Teaching Estimation

            Teaching Values

            Planning and Developing Units

                        What Is a Unit?

                        How Long Should a Unit Be?

                        Developing a Unit Plan

                        Creating an Instructional Design

In the Classroom: An Archaeology Unit



            Reflect On…

            In the Field

            For Your Portfolio

Continue the Journey

Sample Lesson 5.1: What Season Is It?

Sample Lesson 5.2:  Aleut Maps


Chapter Six:   Strategies for Social Studies Teaching and Learning

            What Research Says About Social Studies Teaching and Learning

            Direct Instruction Strategies

                        Teacher Presentation

Keys to Effective Teacher Presentations

                        Class Discussion


Keys to Direct Instruction

            Indirect Instruction Strategies


                        Interest Centers

Current Events: Focus on Strategies

                        Group Investigations and Projects

                        Independent Study and Presentations

In the Classroom: Finding Students’ Interests

                        Reflective Thinking

In the Classroom: Reflective Thinking: An Incident in Human Behavior

In the Classroom: Reflective Thinking: Looking Forward and Looking Back


                        Creative Expression

In the Classroom: Creative Expression: Nursery Rhyme Newspaper Stories

Keys to Creativity

                        Content Analysis

In the Classroom: Content Analysis: Nursery Rhymes

In the Classroom: Content Analysis: Textbooks

                        Differentiated Assignments

In the Classroom: Differentiated Assignments: The Pioneer Treks

In the Classroom: Differentiated Assignments: Archeology

                        Jigsaw/ Peer Teaching and Cooperative Learning

In the Classroom: Jigsaw or Cooperative Learning: The American Revolution


In the Classroom: Simulations: Starpower

In the Classroom: Simulations: Bafa Bafa

            Observations on Indirect Instruction



            Reflect On…

            In the Field

            For Your Portfolio

Continue the Journey

Sample Lesson 6.1: The Settlement of the United States

Sample Lesson 6.2: The Zuni Culture

Sample Lesson 6.3: The Bicycle Path


Chapter Seven:          Assessing Social Studies Learning

            An Overview of Assessment

                        Why Assess?

                        What Should Be Assessed?

                        How Should We Assess?

In the Classroom: Assessing a Lesson

            Integrated Assessment Strategies

                        Writing About Learning

                        Talking About Learning

                        Illustrating Learning

Current Events: Focus on Assessing Critical Thinking Skills

                        Getting Parents Involved          

Keys to Involving Parents

            Assessing Assessment: Why Is It Important?

            Testing and Assessment

                        Essay Tests: Extended Response Questions

                        Objective Tests: Selected Response Questions

            Portfolio Assessment

            Assessing Your Own Effectiveness

Keys to Being an Effective Assessor

            Standards and Achievement






            Reflect On…

            In the Field

            For Your Portfolio

Continue the Journey


Chapter Eight:            Inquiry, Discovery, and Problem-Solving: Children as Researchers

            Inquiry, Discovery Learning, and Problem-Solving

                        Real and Contrived Problems

In the Classroom: A Contrived Problem

In the Classroom: A Real Problem

                        Differences and Similarities

                        Reflective Thinking as a Follow-up to Inquiry

            Three Types of Inquiry Research

                        Descriptive Research

In the Classroom: The Five Senses Game

                        Survey Research

In the Classroom: A Playground Investigation

In the Classroom: A Halloween Study

Current Events: Focus on Gender Roles

In the Classroom: A Weather Stations Survey

                        Experimental Research

In the Classroom: The Great Paper-Towel Experiment

In the Classroom: Health-Drink Design

            Assessment and Inquiry

Metacognition and Inquiry



                        Reflect on…

                        In the Field

                        For Your Portfolio

            Continue the Journey

Sample Lesson 8.1: The $1.50 Inquiry


Chapter Nine:            Making History Come Alive

            What Is History?

            Why Should Young People Study History?

            The Power of Story-Telling as History


                        Historical Fiction

            Using Historical Sources

In the Classroom: Thomas Jefferson and Meriwether Lewis

            Children as Historians

                        Oral History

Current Events: Focus on Personal History

                        Personal Histories

                        Time Lines

                        “Experiential” History

In the Classroom: Did the Chinese Discover America?



                        Reflect on…

                        In the Field

                        For Your Portfolio

            Continue the Journey

Sample Lesson 9.1  Nevada Trek

Sample Lesson 9.2:  Role-Playing the Civil War


Chapter Ten:              Exploring Our Geographic World

            Understanding the Tools of Geography

            The Five Themes of Geography

            Helping Students Learn to Make and Read Maps

                        Mental Maps

In the Classroom: Drawing from a Mental Map

Current Events: Focus on the Weather Page

                        Traverse Maps

In the Classroom: Conceptualizing a Common Traverse

                        Aerial Photographs and Maps

                        Changing the Scale of a Map

Keys to Understanding the Language of Maps

                        Understanding Map Projections and Globes

In the Classroom: A World Globe Activity

            Helping Students Learn to Use Maps

In the Classroom: Mapping Directions

                        Considering Variables in Finding Your Way

In the Classroom: Mapping Variables

                        Studying Land Use Change

In the Classroom: Learning Geography from Chocolate Bars

                        Understanding Perspective

In the Classroom: Four-Color Mapping Theory

                        Estimating Distances



                        Reflect on…

                        In the Field

                        For Your Portfolio

            Continue the Journey

Sample Lesson 10.1:  Learning a New Environment

Sample Lesson 10.2:  Map Mileage

Sample Lesson 10.3:  Map Making


Chapter Eleven:         Teaching and Learning Values, Character Education, and Moral Development

            The Meaning of Values, Character, and Morality in Elementary School Learning

                        Procedural Values: The Strategies of Inquiry and Reflection

                        Considering the Social Context

                        What Really Matters?

                        The Moral Life of Schools

            Teaching Values, Character, and Morality

                        Strategies for Teaching Values

Keys to Effective Values Education

                        Using Moral Dilemmas

In the Classroom: Role-Playing a Moral Dilemma

            Models of Character Education, Values Realization, and Moral Development

                        Character Education

                        Values Realization

                        Moral Development

                        Gender and Moral Development



                        Reflect on…

                        In the Field

                        For Your Portfolio

            Continue the Journey

Sample Lesson Plan 11.1:     Writing Fables


Chapter Twelve:        Social Studies and Curriculum Connections: Integrated Studies

            Projects: The Building Blocks of Integrated Study

                        Characteristics of Good Projects

                        Group versus Individual Projects

Kinds of Projects

In the Classroom: A Sample Project: Constructing a Greenbelt

Keys to Creating Effective Projects

            Significant Themes for Integration

                        Cause and Effect

                        Commonality and Diversity

                        Systems and Patterns

                        Cycles and Change

                        Scale and Symmetry

                        Interaction and Relationships

                        Time and Space

                        Equilibrium and Disequilibrium



                        Reflect on…

                        In the Field

                        For Your Portfolio

            Continue the Journey


Chapter Thirteen:      Social Studies and the Literacy Connection

            Reading and Classroom Life

Keys to Early Literacy: Parents

            Literacy and Democracy

                        Reading and Writing

                        Experience and Discussion

            Social Studies and Language Development

                        Interpreting Text

                        Journal Writing

                        The Writing Process

In the Classroom: Writing Descriptions

            The Spoken Word

                        Public Speaking

                        Small Group Speaking

                        Informal Talks

                        Group Presentations

            Electronic Literacy



                        Reflect on…

                        In the Field

                        For Your Portfolio

            Continue the Journey

Sample Lesson 13.1:  Cinderella


Chapter Fourteen:     Teaching and Learning Responsible Citizenship

            What Is the Citizen’s Role in American Democracy?

                        Citizenship Is Participating in Society

                        Citizenship Is Serving the Community

                        Effective Citizenship: An Interview With JoAnne Buggey

                        Citizenship Is Understanding Conflict

            What Do Children Need to Know To Be Active Citizens?

                        Knowledge versus Information

Keys to Being a Well-Prepared Citizen

            What Can You Do to Help Your Students Become Active Citizens?

                        Formal Strategies for Citizenship Education

                        Informal Strategies for Citizenship Education

                        Research Findings in Civic Education

            Effective Citizenship Education

Keys to Effective Citizenship Education

                        Community Service


In the Classroom: An Experiment with Free Time    

            The Meaning of Citizenship: A Global Perspective

                        An Interview with John J. Cogan

            A Citizenship Test:  How Do You Score?



                        Reflect on…

                        In the Field

                        For Your Portfolio

            Continue the Journey

Sample Lesson 14.1: A Classroom Civics Meeting

Sample Lesson 14.1:  A Candidate Debate


Chapter Fifteen:         Reflective Thinking: The Essence of Social Studies

Keys to Reflective Thinking

            How Reflective Thought Develops

            Constructivist Thought and Social Studies

            Social Studies Strategies for Reflection

                        Thinking Strategies

                        Problem-Solving Strategies

            Crossing the Frontier to Active Reflective Learning

                         The Emotional/ Intellectual Landscape

Keys to Teacher Beliefs



                        Reflect on…

                        In the Field

                        For Your Portfolio

            Continue the Journey

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Teaching and Learning Elementary Social Studies, 8th Edition PDF Manual Solutions , PDF Teaching and Learning Elementary Social Studies, 8th Edition , Fast Download Teaching and Learning Elementary Social Studies, 8th Edition , Arthur K Ellis, Seattle Pacific University,Category : Higher Education

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