samedi 19 janvier 2019

Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 7th Edition PDF Manual Solutions

Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version  Package, 7th Edition


Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Part 1 Introduction and Background on Integrating
Technology in Education

Chapter 1:  Educational Technology in Context: The Big Picture
Learning Outcomes 1
Technology Integration in Action: Then and Now 2
Introduction: The “Big Picture” on Technology in Education 3
Why We Need the “Big Picture” 3
Perspectives That Define Educational Technology 3
How This Textbook Defines Technology in Education 5
Yesterday’s Educational Technology: How the Past Has Shaped
the Present 6
Era 1: The Pre-Microcomputer Era 7
Era 2: The Microcomputer Era 7
Era 3: The Internet Era 8
Era 4: The Mobile Technologies, Social Media, and Open Access Era 8
What We Have Learned from the Past 9
Today’s Educational Technology Resources: Systems and Applications 10
An Overview of Digital Technology Tools 10
Technology Facilities: Hardware and Configurations for Teaching 10
Types of Software Applications in Schools 12
Today’s Educational Technology Issues: Conditions that Shape Practice 12
Social Issues 12
Educational Issues 15
Cultural and Equity Issues 15
Legal and Ethical Issues 16
Today’s Educational Technology Skills: Standards, Assessments, and Teaching
Competencies 17
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) 17
ISTE Standards for Teachers, Students, and Administrators 18
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) for Students and Teachers 18
The ICT Competency Framework for Teachers 18
The Tech-PACK Framework 19
Demonstrating Technology Skills: Portfolio Options and Tech-PACK 20
Today’s Educational Technology Uses: Developing a Sound Rationale 21
What Does Research on Technology in Education Tell Us? 22
A Technology-Use Rationale Based on Problem Solving 22
Tomorrow’s Educational Technology: Emerging Trends in Tools and Applications 25
Trends in Hardware, Software, and System Development 25
Trends in Educational Applications 26
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 28
Summary 28
Technology Integration Workshop 30
Chapter 2:  Theory into Practice: Foundations for Effective Technology Integration 31
Learning Outcomes 31
Technology Integration in Action: The Role of Context 32
Overview of Factors in Successful Technology Integration 33
Learning Theory Foundations 33
Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model 33
Essential Conditions for Effective Technology Integration 33
Overview of Two Perspectives on Technology Integration 34
Two Perspectives on Effective Instruction 34
Where Did the Perspectives Come From? 34
Learning Theory Foundations of Directed Integration Models 36
Behaviorist Theories 37
Information-Processing Theories 37
Cognitive-Behaviorist Theory 38
Systems Approaches: Instructional Design Models 39
Objectivist Theory Foundations for Directed Methods 40
Learning Theory: Foundations of Constructivist Integration Models 41
Social Activism Theory 42
Social Cognitive Theory 42
Scaffolding Theories 43
Child Development Theory 43
Discovery Learning 44
Multiple Intelligences Theory 44
Constructivist Theory Foundations for Inquiry-Based Methods 46
Technology Integration Strategies Based on Directed and Constructivist Theories 48
Future Directions for Merging Directed and Constructivist Approaches 48
Technology Integration Strategies Useful for Either Model 50
Technology Integration Strategies Based on Directed Models 52
Technology Integration Strategies Based on Constructivist Models 53
A Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model for Teachers 54
Phase 1: Analysis of Learning and Teaching Needs 55
Phase 2: Design of an Integration Framework 58
Phase 3: Post-Instruction Analysis and Revisions 62
When Technology Works Best: Essential Conditions for Technology Integration 64
Essential Condition: A Shared Vision for Technology Integration 65
Essential Condition: Standards and Curriculum Support 65
Essential Condition: Required Policies 65
Essential Condition: Access to Hardware, Software, and Other Resources 66
Essential Condition: Skilled Personnel 67
Essential Condition: Technical Assistance 68
Essential Condition: Appropriate Teaching and Assessment Models 68
Essential Condition: Engaged Community 69
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 70
Summary 70
Technology Integration Workshop 71

Part 2 Technology Tools for 21st Century Teaching

Chapter 3:  Instructional Software for 21st Century Teaching 72
Learning Outcomes 72
Technology Integration in Action: Math by Design 73
An Introduction to Instructional Software 75
Basic Information about Instructional Software 75
Teaching Roles for Instructional Software 77
Drill-and-Practice Teaching Functions 79
Selecting Good Drill-and-Practice Software 80
Benefits of Drill and Practice 80
Limitations and Problems Related to Drill and Practice 81
Using Drill and Practice in Teaching 83
Tutorial Teaching Functions 83
Selecting Good Tutorial Software 84
Benefits of Tutorials 84
Limitations and Problems Related to Tutorials 85
Using Tutorials in Teaching 86
Simulation Teaching Functions 87
Simulations That Teach About Something 87
Simulations That Teach How to Do Something 88
Selecting Good Simulation Software 88
Benefits of Simulations 88
Limitations and Problems Related to Simulations 90
How to Use Simulations in Teaching: Integration Strategies and Guidelines 92
Instructional Game Teaching Functions 92
Selecting Good Instructional Games 93
Benefits of Instructional Games 94
Limitations and Problems Related to Instructional Games 94
Using Instructional Games in Teaching 95
Problem-Solving Teaching Functions 97
Selecting Good Problem-Solving Software 97
Benefits of Problem-Solving Software 97
Limitations and Problems Related to Problem-Solving Software 99
Using Problem-Solving Software in Teaching 100
Personalized Learning Systems 101
Selecting PLSs 101
Benefits of PLSs 102
Limitations and Problems Related to PLSs 102
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 103
Summary 103
Technology Integration Workshop 105

Chapter 4:  Technology Tools for 21st Century Teaching: The Basic Suite 106
Learning Outcomes 106
Technology Integration in Action: Can You Afford Your Dream Car? 107
Introduction to the Basic Software Tool Suite 109
Why Use Software Tools? 109
Overview of Uses for the “Basic Three” Software Tools 109
Recent Developments in Software Tools 111
Using Word Processing Software in Teaching and Learning 112
The Impact of Word Processing in Education 112
Word Processing in the Classroom: Productivity and Teaching Strategies 117
Teaching Word Processing Skills: Recommended Skills and Activities 118
Using Spreadsheet Software in Teaching and Learning 121
The Impact of Spreadsheets in Education 121
Spreadsheets in the Classroom: Productivity and Teaching Strategies 123
Teaching Spreadsheet Skills: Recommended Skills and Activities 125
Using Presentation Software in Teaching and Learning 125
The Impact of Presentation Software in Education 127
Presentation Software in the Classroom: Productivity and Teaching Strategies 129
Teaching Presentation Software Skills: Recommended Skills and Activities 133
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 135
Summary 136
Technology Integration Workshop 137
Chapter 5:  Technology Tools for 21st Century Teaching: Beyond the Basics 138
Learning Outcomes 138
Technology Integration in Action: Sharing a Passion for Poetry 139
Introduction to Other Software Support Tools 141
Types of Software Support Tools 141
Recent Developments in Software Support Tools 141
Using Materials Generators 143
Desktop Publishing Software 144
Web Design Software 146
Interactive Whiteboard Activity Software 146
Worksheet and Puzzle Generators 147
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Generators 147
Graphic Document Makers 148
PDF and Forms Makers 148
Using Data Collection and Analysis Tools 149
Database Software 149
Statistical Software Packages 151
Online Survey Tools 151
Student Information Systems 153
Student Response Systems (Clickers) 153
Using Testing and Grading Tools 154
Electronic Gradebooks 155
Test Generators and Rubric Generators 155
Computer-Based Testing Systems 156
Using Graphics Tools 156
Draw/Paint Programs 157
Image Editing Tools 157
Charting and Graphing Tools 158
Clip Art, Photo, Animation, Sound, Video, and Font Collections 158
Word Cloud Generators 159
Using Planning and Organizing Tools 160
Outlining Tools and Concept Mapping Software 160
Lesson Planning Software 161
Scheduling, Calendar, and Time Management Tools 161
Using Research and Reference Tools 162
Online Encyclopedias 162
Digital Atlases and Mapping Tools 162
Digital Dictionaries (Word Atlases) 163
Using Tools to Support Specific Content Areas 163
CAD and 3-D Modeling/Animation Systems 163
Music Editors, Sequencers, and MIDI Tools 164
Reading Tools 164
Microcomputer-Based Labs (Probeware) 165
Calculators, Graphing Calculators and Calculator-Based Labs 165
Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems 166
Online Foreign Language Dictionaries and Language Translators (Machine Translation) 166
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 167
Summary 167
Technology Integration Workshop 168

Part 3 Linking to Learn: Technology Tools and Strategies
Chapter 6: Online Tools, Uses, and Web-Based Development 170
Learning Outcomes 170
Technology Integration in Action: A Research Paper 171
Digital Citizenship Issues and Needs for the Online Environment 173
How “Online” Emerged: A Brief History 173
Online Safety and Security Issues 174
Online Ethical and Legal Issues 176
Rules and Guidelines for Online Behavior: Digital Citizenship, Netiquette, and More 177
Navigation Options 179
Using Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) 179
Four Methods for Navigating the Net 180
Bookmarks, Favorites, and Online Organizers 181
Basic Internet Troubleshooting 181
Searching and Storing Options 182
Types of Search Engines 183
Search Tools and Strategies 183
Communications Options 184
Email and Listservs 184
Instant Messaging and Text Messaging 184
Videoconferencing in Online and Blended Environments 185
Social Networking and Collaborating Options 185
Blogs and Microblogs 186
Chatrooms 188
Wikis and Crowdsourcing Sites 188
Video- and Photo-Sharing Communities 189
Social Networking Sites 190
Applying Apps in Education 191
Locating Apps 191
Using Apps in Education 191
Web Page and Website Authoring Skills and Resources 191
Web Development Skills 191
Hypermedia Resources for Web Page and Website Development 192
Web Authoring Tools 192
Downloading Images, Programs, and Plug-Ins 195
Web Page and Website Authoring Steps and Criteria 196
Recommended Sequence for Authoring Web Pages and Sites 196
Criteria for Evaluating Website Information and Design 199
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 200
Summary 200
Technology Integration Workshop 202

Chapter 7: Introduction to Distance Education: Online and Blended Environments 203
Learning Outcomes 203
Technology Integration in Action: Flipping for Pre-Algebra Mastery 204
Overview of Distance Education 206
Distance Learning Models 206
Current Issues in Distance Learning 207
Distance Learning Research 208
Blended Learning Environments 211
Blended Learning Models 212
Implementing a Flipped Classroom Model 212
Online Audio and Video Strategies in Blended Environments 214
Background on Podcasts and Vodcasts 215
Audio and Video Development 215
Audio and Video Lesson Integration Strategies 215
Types of Web-Based Lessons in Blended Models 219
Types of Web-Based Lessons and Projects 219
Social Action Projects 221
Integration Strategies for Web-Based Activities 222
Implementing Web-Based Lessons in Blended Environments 225
Support Sites for Web-Based Activities 226
Evaluating Quality of Web-Based Lessons and Student Products from Lessons 227
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 228
Summary 228
Technology Integration Workshop 230
Chapter 8: Online Models, Courses, and Programs 231
Learning Outcomes 231
Technology Integration in Action: Virtual Health 232
Developing Online Courses: Models 234
The Noninteractive Online Model 234
The Interactive, Asynchronous Online Model 234
The Interactive Online Model with Synchronous Events 235
The MOOC Model 235
Developing Online Courses: Content Management Systems (CMS) and Other Required Infrastructure 236
Content Management Systems (CMS) 236
Course Support Tools 237
Technical Support 237
Support for Students with Special Needs 237
Resources to Monitor Course Outcomes 237
Resources and Strategies to Ensure Academic Integrity 238
Developing Online Courses: Procedures 238
Step 1: Select the Online Model 238
Step 2: Design and Document Learning Activities 239
Step 3: Create Course Space Structure 239
Step 4: Create Assignment Materials 241
Step 5: Create Assessment Materials 241
Step 6: Create Content Presentation Materials 241
Step 7: Create Small-Group Activities 241
Step 8: Create Resource Links and Other Materials 242
Step 9: Decide On and Signal the Course Path 243
Step 10: Determine and Document Course Logistics and Requirements 243
Best Practices for Effective Online Courses 243
Best Practices for Teaching Online Programs 243
Best Practices for Managing Online Small-group Work 244
Best Practices for Assessing Quality of Online Courses 245
Virtual Schools 245
Background on Virtual Schools 245
Virtual School Issues 248
Virtual School Research 249
Virtual Reality Environments 251
Types of Virtual Reality Environments 251
Integration Strategies for Virtual Environments 253
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 254
Summary 254
Technology Integration Workshop 257

Part 4 Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum
Chapter 9: Teaching and Learning with Technology in English and Language Arts 258
Learning Outcomes 258
Technology Integration in Action: My Side of the Story: teaching Digital Literacies with a Multimedia Storytelling Project 259
Issues and Challenges in English and Language Arts 261
Teachers’ Changing Responsibilities for the “New Literacies” 261
New Instructional Strategies to Address New Needs 263
Challenges of Working with Diverse Learners 266
Challenges of Motivating Students to Read and Write 266
Teachers’ Growth as Literacy Professionals and Leaders 267
QWERTY Keyboarding: To Teach or Not to Teach? 268
The Cursive Writing Controversy 269
Technology Integration Strategies for English and Language Arts 269
Strategies to Support for Word Fluency and Vocabulary Development 271
Strategies to Support Reading Comprehension and Literacy Development 272
Strategies to Support Teaching the Writing Process 273
Strategies to Support Literature Learning 277
Enabling Multimodal Communication and Digital Publishing 278
Teaching English and Language Arts Teachers to Integrate Technology 279
Rubric to Measure Teacher Growth in English and Language Arts Technology Integration 279
Learning the Issues and Applications 281
Collaborate, Reflect, Discuss 281
Summary 282
Technology Integration Workshop 283
Chapter 10: Teaching and Learning with Technology for Foreign and Second Languages 284
Learning Outcomes 284
Technology Integration in Action: Writing in Blogs En FranÇais 285
Issues and Challenges in Foreign and Second Language Learning 287
ELL Issue #1: Demands on Content Area Teachers 287
ELL Issue #2: Academic and Language Prerequisites for ELLs 288
ELL Issue #3: The Need to Differentiate Instruction 288
ELL Issue #4: Challenges of Integrating the Students’ Native Languages 290
FL Issue #1: The Need for Authentic Materials and Perspectives 291
FL Issue #2: The Need for Creating Audience and Purpose 291
Technology Integration Strategies for Ell and Fl Instruction 292
Support for Authentic Oral Language Practice and Assessment 293
Virtual Collaborations 294
Virtual Field Trips for Modified Language Immersion Experience 295
Teletandem Experiences for Modified Language Immersion 296
Support for Practice in Language Subskills 296
Presentation Aids 297
Support for Text Production 297
Use of Apps to Support Language Learning and Use 298
Productivity and Lesson Design Support for Teachers 299
Teaching Foreign Language and Second Language Teachers to Integrate Technology 300
Rubric to Measure Teacher Growth in Foreign and Second Language
Technology Integration 300
Learning the Issues and Applications 300
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 302
Summary 303
Technology Integration Workshop 303

Chapter 11: Teaching and Learning with Technology in Mathematics and Science 305
Learning Outcomes 305
Technology Integration in Action: Hot and Cold Data 306
Issues and Challenges in Mathematics Instruction 308
Accountability for Standards in Mathematics 308
Challenges in Implementing the Common Core State Standards for School Mathematics 310
Directed versus Social-Constructivist Teaching Strategies: Ongoing “Math Wars” 311
Technology Integration Strategies for Mathematics Instruction 311
Bridging the Gap Between Abstract and Concrete with Virtual Manipulatives 313
Allowing Representation of Mathematical Principles 313
Supporting Mathematical Problem Solving 315
Implementing Data-Driven Curricula 317
Supporting Math-Related Communications 317
Motivating Skill Building and Practice 317
Issues and Challenges in Science Instruction 318
Accountability for Standards in Science 318
The Narrowing Pipeline of Scientific Talent 319
Increasing Need for Scientific Literacy 320
Difficulties in Teaching K—8 Science 320
Objections to Virtual Science Labs 320
Technology Integration Strategies for Science Instruction 321
Involving Students in Scientific Inquiry Through Authentic Online Projects 323
Support for Specific Processes in Scientific Inquiry 323
Supporting Science Skills and Concept Learning 325
Engaging Students in Engineering Topics through Robotics 325
Accessing Science Information and Tools 326
Teaching Mathematics and Science Teachers to Integrate Technology 327
Rubric to Measure Teacher Growth in Mathematics and Science Technology Integration 327
Learning the Issues and Applications 327
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 330
Summary 330
Technology Integration Workshop 332

Chapter 12: Teaching and Learning with Technology in Social Studies 333
Learning Outcomes 333
Technology Integration in Action: I witness Accounts —
Surv ivor Videos 334
Issues and Challenges in Social Studies Instruction 336
Meeting Standards Across Social Studies Areas 336
Challenges in Teaching Social Studies 338
The “History Wars” and Other Debates on the Content and Focus of Social Studies 339
Perils of the Information Explosion 339
Technology Integration Strategies for Social Studies 340
Using Simulations and Problem-Solving Environments 340
Accessing Primary Sources 341
Digital Information Critiques 341
Electronic Research Strategies 341
Information Visualization Strategies 343
Virtual Field Trips 343
Adventure Learning (AL) 344
Digital Storytelling 344
Geospatial Analysis Strategies 346
Teaching Social Studies Teachers to Integrate Technology 348
Rubric to Measure Teacher Growth in Social Studies Technology Integration 348
Learning the Issues and Applications 348
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 350
Summary 350
Technology Integration Workshop 351


Chapter 13: Teaching and Learning with Technology in Music and Art 352
Learning Outcomes 352
Technology Integration in Action: The Fine Art of Electronic Portfolios 353
A Rationale for Including Technology in the Arts 355
Issues and Challenges in Music Instruction 356
A Changing Definition for Music Literacy 356
Training Teachers to Meet Music Standards 356
Downloading of Music Illegally 357
The Intersection of Popular Music, Technology, and Music Instruction 357
The Music Director as Small Business Administrator 358
Technology Integration Strategies for Music Instruction 358
Support for Music Composition and Production 360
Support for Music Performance 362
Support for Self-Paced Learning and Practice 363
Support for Teaching Music History 364
Support for Interdisciplinary Strategies 365
Issues and Challenges in Art Instruction 365
Funding for Art Instruction 365
Ethical Issues Associated with the Use of Images and Other Materials 366
Accessing Images Used in Art Instruction 366
The Challenge of Meeting Standards in Arts Instruction 366
Technology Integration Strategies for Art Instruction 367
Accessing Art Examples for Classroom Use 367
Using Teaching Examples and Materials 367
Producing and Manipulating Digitized Images 367
Supporting Graphic Design and 3-D Modeling 369
Supporting Student Development of Publications 370
Virtual Field Trips to Art Museums 370
Creating Movies as an Art Form 370
Sharing Students’ Creative and Research Works 371
Teaching Music and Art Teachers to Integrate Technology 371
Rubric to Measure Teacher Growth in Music and Art Technology Integration 371
Learning the Issues and Applications 374
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 375
Summary 375
Technology Integration Workshop 376

Chapter 14: Teaching and Learning with Technology in Health and Physical Education 378
Learning Outcomes 378
Technology Integration in Action: Developing a Personal
Fitness and Nutrition Plan 379
Issues and CHALLENGES in Physical and Health Education 381
Instructional Time and Quality Physical Education Programs 382
The Link Between Physical Inactivity and Obesity 382
Accuracy of Internet Information on Health and Physical Education 383
Addressing Physical Education and Health Standards 383
Handling Controversial Health Issues 384
Technology Integration Strategies for Health and Physical Education 384
Supporting Improved Physical Fitness 387
Developing and Improving Motor Skill Performance 388
Assessing Student Learning in the Context of Teaching 390
Supporting Students’ Work in Dance 391
Shaping Students’ Beliefs and Interactions Related to Physical Activity 391
Helping Students Obtain Valid Health Information 392
Influencing Health Behaviors 393
Supporting Interdisciplinary Instruction 394
Offering Online Health and Physical Education 394
Teaching Health and Physical Education Teachers to Integrate Technology 395
Rubric to Measure Teacher Growth in Health and Physical Education Technology Integration 395
Learning the Issues and Applications 397
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 397
Summary 398
Technology Integration Workshop 398
Chapter 15: Teaching and Learning with Technology in Special Education 400
Learning Outcomes 400
Technology Integration in Action: Coteaching to Meet Diverse Needs 401
Introduction to Special Education 403
Issues and CHALLENGES in Special Education 403
Special Education and Inclusion Requirements 404
Policy Drivers of Technology Use in Special Education 405
Educational Reform and Accountability in Special Education 406
Trends in the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) 407
Technology Integration Strategies to Meet Special Needs 407
Foundations of Integration Strategies for Special Education 407
Strategies for Students with Cognitive Disabilities 410
Strategies for Students with Physical Disabilities 412
Strategies for Students with Sensory Disabilities 413
Strategies for Students with ASD 414
Strategies for Students with Gifts and Talents 415
Teaching Teachers to Integrate Technology for Students with Special Needs 416
Rubric to Measure Teacher Growth in Special Education Technology Integration 416
Learning the Issues and Applications 416
Collaborate, Discuss, Reflect 419
Summary 419
Technology Integration Workshop 420
Glossary 421
References 429
Name Index 442
Subject Index 445

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Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 7th Edition PDF Manual Solutions , PDF Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 7th Edition , Fast Download Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 7th Edition , M. D. Roblyer, Nova Southeastern University,Category : Higher Education

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