jeudi 17 janvier 2019

Crossing America: A Reading and Writing Rhetoric PDF Manual Solutions

Crossing America: A Reading and Writing Rhetoric


Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Unit One:  Reading and Writing with Crossing America


Welcome Message

Introduction to Reading Literature and Writing About Literature

Student Essay Entitled “I Wanted to Share My Father’s World”

How to Read Any Passage Effectively

      “Student Commencement Address at Southwest Tennessee Community College” by Andy Ling

Literary Analysis

      “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin


How to Write a Summary


How to Paraphrase


SQ9R — A Writing Strategy That Works


Unit Two:  American Foundations (Narration)


Idioms for a New Nation

Narration:  Points to Consider


Point of View



Order of Sentences

Transitional Devices Used in Narrative Writing

Verb Usage


Sentence Structure Errors

Direct and Indirect Quotations

Verb Tense

Reading Before Writing 

      “Constitution Day” by Lynne V. Cheney

       Jacques Lajonie Lapeyre Correspondence…Excerpts

      “Follow the Drinking Gourd” by Anonymous

      “Water Bugs” by Peter Blue Cloud

Reflective Assignments

Internet Field Trips — Reading and Writing Assignments

Films to View

Summary of Unit 2 — American Foundations — Narration


Unit Three: Traditions and Celebrations (Description)   


Idioms for Holidays and Celebrations

Description:  Points to Consider


Types of Descriptive Writing


Transitional Devices Used in Descriptive Writing

Concrete Language Versus Vague and Abstract Wording

Misplaced Modifiers and Dangling Participles

Reading Before Writing

       “El Olto Lado” from Caramelo by SandraCisneros

       “Packing for America” by Frank McCourt (Life)

       “Slightly Damp, Parade Goers Still Dressed for the Occasion” by Charles Cochran

       “Day of the Refugios” by Alberto Rios

Reflective Assignments

Internet Field Trips — Reading and Writing Assignments

Films to View

Summary of Unit 3 — Traditions and Celebrations - Description


Unit Four: American Folklore (Comparison and Contrast)  


Idioms for American Folklore

Comparison and Contrast:  Points to Consider



Transitional Devices


Topic Sentences and thesis Statements

Punctuation of Conjunctive Adverbs and Subordinate Conjunctions

Reading Before Writing

        “What is Folklife?” Excerpts from “A Commonwealth of Cultures” by Mary Hufford 

        “Tam and Cam (A Cinderella Tale from Vietnam)” by Anonymous

        “The Invisible One” (A Cinderella-style Micmac Native legend.) from Algonquin Legends of New England by Charles Godfrey Leland 

        “Cinderella” by Anne Sexton

        “Present at Creation:  The Origins of the Legend of John Henry” by Stephen Wade

        “John Henry” by Zora Neal Hurston

        ”John Henry Blues” by Fiddlin’ Joe Carson

        “Babe the Blue Ox” retold by S. E. Schlosser

        “Six to Eight Black Men” by David Sedaris

Reflective Assignments

Internet Field Trips — Reading and Writing Assignments

Films to View

Summary of Unit 4 — American Folklore — Comparison and Contrast


Unit Five: Landmarks (Process Analysis)


Idioms for Landmarks

Process Analysis:  Points to Consider


Types of Process Writing


Transitional Devices

Point of View and Tense

Point of View

Reading Before Writing          

        “Jaunts:  Atlanta to Montgomery to Memphis:  A Family Trip Through History” by Carlton Winfrey

        “A and P” by John Updike

        “A Chinese Kitchen” by Eileen Yin-Fei Lo

        “Telling the Story” by Naomi Shihab Nye   

        “In the inner city” by Lucille Clifton      

Reflective Assignments

Internet Field Trips — Reading and Writing Assignments

Films to View

Summary of Unit 5 — Landmarks — Process Analysis    


Unit Six: American Music (Classification)


Idioms for Classical Music

Classification:  Points to Consider


Organization and Development

Transitional Devices


Reading Before Writing 

         “Types of Folk Music” by Sarah Wilfong

         “I Hear America Singing” from Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

         “La Música Mexicana” by Ellen Jane Rainey

         “Nineteen Fifty-Five” by Alice Walker

Reflective Assignments

Internet Field Trips — Reading and Writing Assignments

Films to View

Summary of Unit 6 — American Music — Classification


Unit Seven: American Lifestyle (Cause and Effect)


Idioms for American Lifestyles

Cause and Effect:  Points to Consider


Organization and Plan

Order of Causes and Effects

Clear Reasoning

Transitional Words


Fragments with Subordinate Clauses

Reading Before Writing

         “How Things Work” by Gary Soto

         “Vietnam to America: An 18-hour Flight, or an Impossible Journey?” by Andrew Lam

         “Hoofbeats on Fletcher Street” by Johnny Dwyer

         “Ringtail” by Rudolph Fisher

Reflective Assignments

Internet Field Trips — Reading and Writing Assignments

Films to View

Summary of Unit 7 — American Lifestyle — Cause and Effect Analysis


Unit Eight: New Frontiers (Argumentation)


Idioms for New Frontiers

Argumentation:  Points to Consider


Organization and Plan

Argumentative Paragraphs

Argumentative Essays

Transitional Expressions

Language and Tone

Emotion and Reason


Strong Verbs

Reading Before Writing

         “Act II” by Diane Brady

         “There’ll Be No Place to Hide in Our Brave New Biometric World” by Paul Saffo

         “Technology and Medicine” by Rafael Campo from The Other Man Was Me: A Voyage to the New World by Raphael Campo

         “The End of the Beginning” by Ray Bradbury

         “Astronauts, Teachers Converse at Ames” by Julie O’Shea       

         “From Space Station, NASA Astronaut Ed Lu '84 Speaks with CU Students” by Blaine P. Friedlander Jr.

Reflective Assignments

Internet Field Trips — Reading and Writing Assignments

Films to View

Summary of Unit 8 — New Frontiers - Argumentation  



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Crossing America: A Reading and Writing Rhetoric PDF Manual Solutions , PDF Crossing America: A Reading and Writing Rhetoric , Fast Download Crossing America: A Reading and Writing Rhetoric , Debbie W. Hunt Linda D. Patterson,Category : Higher Education

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